Uzma Bozai - Pussy Power - A Celebration Of Strong Women - Read Our Series Of Interviews

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Pussy Power – A Celebration Of Strong Women – Read Our Series Of Interviews

Join us as we celebrate strong women as part of our Pussy Power campaign.
Here we speak to our Founder and Creative Director Uzma to learn what Pussy Power means to her.

What gets you out of bed in the morning (and we don’t just mean coffee! Haha! )

My 5 year old climbs into bed and we both like lazing for as long as possible. We’ll chat, have tickling games, hide from daddy monster and basically get told off by my husband for an hour before we finally get up.

 Where does your strength and sense of purpose come from?

My strength comes from the women in my family. I have been raised by a tribe of strong, determined women, my mother, grandmother and aunts who have endured so much but always put everyone else before themselves. Their huge hearts, amazing cooking and iron clad resolve have made me the woman I am today.

My sense of purpose comes from the men in my family. My dad died young but touched the lives of so many people. He has been my driving force to achieve, strive to be a better person and make the most of whatever life we have. My brothers are as brothers are a constant infuriation and made me the bossy boots that I am. My husband has been the person to help me realise my dreams, his never ending encouragement has given me the confidence and determination to never give up!

 Who have been your inspirations throughout your life, and in what way?

I am constantly inspired by the people that have faced immense obstacles in life and still come out the other end smiling and ready to continue the fight. The list is so long but not surprisingly a lot of them are women, young and old from all walks of life.

Malala Yousafzai, fearless with so much strength and determination in such a young soul; Frida Kahlo who despite disability turned life’s devastating blows and transformed them into beauty. These women continue to be an inspiration to me in life and work (P.S.theres a clue in there about our next collection )

What achievements are you most proud of and why?

I have a slight addiction to start ups, the thrill of starting something from nothing, the incredible people you meet and learn from along the way. What I’m proud of are the opportunities that these businesses have created for others, the artisans we work with, the charities we support and the people we employ.

But my most successful startup is my daughter! I hope I can continue to create a world for her where she can flourish and be free to be the person she is.

What does the concept of Pussy Power mean to you?

For me its about strength, solidarity and supporting each other no matter what the world throws at you.

 Do you feel that it’s important to support international woman’s day, and if not/yes what are your reasons?

International Women’s Day is a celebration of the amazing women all around us making their mark on the world, let’s shout about it and be proud of the women that came before us and be a beacon of strength for the girls that will come after us.

Read our next feature with Manal Waqi, Founder and Editor In Chief of The Amanqi Edit. 

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