5 Minutes With K&H PR Girl Saffy Edwards
We took five with our K&H PR girl Saffy Edwards to talk about her personal style, what influenced her to forge her own career in fashion and what advice she would give to anyone looking for a way in to the fashion world.
UB: Why did you decide to go into Fashion PR? Is the lifestyle really as glamorous as Olivia Palermo and Lauren Conrad made it out to be?
SAFFY: I was immersed into the fashion industry from a very young as my uncle is a fashion designer which meant I was extremely fortunate to attend shows and to gain an insight into the ‘glamorous’ world of fashion. I immediately knew I would forge my own career path in fashion PR as I always enjoyed meeting people and forming relationships, so I knew I had to use my communication skills – plus unlike my uncle, designing is not my forte!
I really wish the fashion industry/lifestyle was as glamorous as LC made it out to be in The Hills!
UB: Fashion, of course is an extremely competitive industry with thousands of young people trying to break the industry. What would be your best piece of advice to give to those trying to start their career in fashion PR?
SAFFY: I ensured I completed lots of internships during my studies at university so I could gain as much experience as possible within the industry – along the way I met so many amazing, inspiring people. My first job was at a super cool boutique fashion PR agency in central London which I secured after completing a 3 month internship there.
For anyone wanting to get into fashion PR, my advice would be to get as much experience as possible and make the most of every opportunity!
UB: Tell me a little about your personal style. How would you describe it and what influences you when putting an outfit together?
SAFFY: My personal style is classic – I love wearing chic clean cut pieces, nothing too bold. My friends always mock me because I ‘play it safe’ – although I do love adding pops of colour to an outfit with either a fab cobalt blue handbag or some statement jewellery – I’m obsessed with these Uzma Bozai pompom earrings.
UB: If you could describe your perfect SS16 outfit, what would it be?
SAFFY: My perfect SS16 outfit would be anything white and backless with a boho edge for my trips to ibiza.
My top 3 Uzma pieces for summer are:
1.Hope Dungarees, £195.00; 2. Bibi Sweatshirt, SOLD OUT; 3.Bibi Shorts, £145.00